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Modernize Your Application with AWS

A modern approach to deliver ‘innovation’ and ‘value’ to your customers!

Within the cloud computing world, Amazon Web Service (AWS) is the most acceptable technology. It is set to be most prominent and successful service with its size and presence in the field of application development. Being a secure cloud services platform, that offers compute power; database storage and content delivery make AWS stand ahead of its competitors.

Talking about traditional application development methods, we need to understand the limitation of this approach. These methods are inflexible and many times, not in line to respond aggressive customer requests, whereas the modern application development methodologies offer a set of quick resolution while matching the modern product development needs. Most importantly the traditional application development methods are losing the command and control over the information and data based on the users’ emerging needs.

Modernization of your application development can help you with the great speed of innovation along with the greater dexterity. AWS, being ahead in this race, helps organizations to serve their customers with the modern approach in a most efficient and cost effective manner.

Modernizing the application development using AWS has become a great building block. It offers a wide variety of services/frameworks to use cloud computing as a flexible, cost-effective, and on-demand storage service.

Putting it in another way, Modernization with AWS keeps the application developers focused in developing applications rather than managing infrastructure.

microservices architecture

Implementation of modernize application development comprises of three different frameworks/approaches.

  • Microservices
  • Serverless
  • Evolve Development Practices
  • To better understand about the implementation approach, you need to understand about each framework, how they are evolved, what benefits they carry, challenges they might have along with their internal architecture.


    To better understand about the implementation approach, you need to understand about each framework, how they are evolved, what benefits they carry, challenges they might have along with their internal architecture.

    Microservices enable you to develop and deliver new features faster by breaking monolithic architectures into individual components. Its independent scalability helps your organization to move faster, and you can reduce the costs by more easily right-sizing infrastructure.

    The traditional applications used to build using different layers, such as a user interface (UI) layer, a business layer, and a persistence layer. As shown in the above figure, microservices architecture splits functionalities into cohesive “verticals”, by implementing a specific domain, not technology.

    UI - microservices - data store

    Benefits of Microservices

    Microservices offer number of benefits/advantages over the traditional monolithic deployments. Due to its agility and scalability they are more in demand for AWS customers.


    The use of Microservices enables your organization to build small independent teams which take ownership of their services. In the bounded context these teams act smartly, quickly and independently. It eliminates the approval cycles and ultimately increases the throughput of the organization.


    The micro-teams work autonomously and choose the appropriate technologies, frameworks, and tools for their domains, which in turn is an important driver for innovation. Responsibility and accountability encourages a culture of ownership for services.


    Fine-tuned decoupling of microservices is a best practice for structure large scale frameworks. It’s an essential for act streamlining since it permits picking the proper and ideal advances for a particular service. Each service can be actualized with the proper programming dialects and structures, influence the ideal information determination arrangement, and are calibrated with the best performing administration setups.


    Microservices architectures make it easier to implement failure isolation. Techniques such as health checking, caching, bulkheads, or circuit breakers allow you to reduce the blast radius of a failing component and to improve the overall availability of a given application.


    Serverless architecture fosters your organization to deploy and run your applications and services smoothly without a focus on configuring, scaling, maintaining, and monitor web server. Rather than using onsite servers, these remotely available servers can enhance the productivity in a modest and cost effective approach.

    In other way we can say that Serverless architectures refer to applications that significantly depend on third-party services (knows as Backend as a Service or “BaaS”). AWS Lambda is the best known service under this category.

    Serverless does not mean that running or executing the services without using servers. It actually means that your organization needs to buy the entire infrastructure; you can just rely on the third party services being offered by AWS. Its configuration could be understand through the below given diagram, It consists of a web server, FaaS layer, security token service (STS), user authentication and database.

    lambda and api keys

    By using a serverless architecture, your developers can focus on their core product instead of worrying about managing and operating servers or runtimes, either in the cloud or on-premises. This reduced overhead lets developers save their time and energy to enhance productivity as well as deliver the desired set of services.

    Benefits of Serverless Architecture

    No Need to Deploy, Upkeep, and Monitor Servers

    The serverless architecture enables your organization to run your software applications without investing in onsite servers. AWS make adequate server resources available to enterprises according to their specific needs. It’s monitoring the sole responsibility of the service provider

    Leverage Function as a Service (FaaS)

    Serverless computing is enabled by a specific category of cloud computing services called Function as a Service (FaaS). FaaS enables enterprises to build and run software applications based on serverless architecture. AWS Lambda is the perfect fit for this kind of need.

    No Need to Scale the Entire System

    Serverless architecture does not require programmers to scale the software application, system, or container completely; they can simply scale a single function up or down to accomplish the required scalability level.

    Pay according to Execution Time

    Given the number of benefits, the most important factor it has is cost effectiveness. The serverless computing concept will help enterprises to curtail cost significantly. The enterprises are not required to pay for services. They have to pay only for invoking specific functions. Hence, the cost will vary according to the execution time of functions invoked by the application.

    Evolve Development Practices

    In the most grooming software industry, staying ahead of the competition is the key. Evolving your development practices to be more agile and dexterous is necessity of the hour. By adopting agile methodologies and a DevOps culture, you can innovate faster and at a comparatively lower cost.

    Below you can look at the example (figure), how Infrastructure as code (IAC) delivers value at a measurable rate.

    Devops practice

    In every industry ranging from manufacturing to FMCG, software is the key component. Building software using modern development practices, helps your organization is staying competitive. Featured AWS Partner Network (APN) Partners can help you make this journey toward improving developer productivity. It also helps to understand and quickly launch the features that your customers demand.

    Benefits of DevOps:

    Faster Innovation

    Rather than managing infrastructure, if your developers focus on building applications, definitely your organization will deliver innovation on a comparatively faster note.


    Deploy the infrastructure you need at a rapid pace to support trialing and boost agility.

    Cost Efficiency

    Reduces development lifecycle will in turn lowers the costs and offloading infrastructure management and maintenance tasks.


    Using the traditional application development is thing of past. AWS helps you and your organization to win the race and curtail the cost of delivering services. AWS provides building blocks that you can assemble quickly to support any workload. With AWS, you’ll find a complete set of highly available services that are designed to work together to build scalable applications.

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